The Team at Las Cruces Dog Sports is very excited to announce a new feature that is immediately available to all of our students.
The Slack – Agility Portal is your gateway to “buy”, “sell” and “trade” spots in classes that for one reason or another you are unable to attend.
Let’s say you have a Tuesday 9am class and your dentist appointment is at that time. Now you can post your 9am slot on the portal and ask if somebody would be interested to buy or trade or swap your spot for another day that fits your schedule better.
It’s a FREE service provided by and we encourage you to sign-up and use it if the need arises.
But it gets better, the portal is not only for posting your open spots, you can also interact with other users directly (without giving your email or phone number) and you can even call somebody from within the system.
For all those of you who live on their phones, there is a mobile app available as well.